DISPENCELL: A faster, gentler way to a single cell.

SEED Biosciences’ award-winning technology for fast, simple and gentle single cell seeding.


High efficiency, automated pipetting robot enables you to easily isolate individual cells ready for single cell analysis.

Request pricing. For more information on our single cell seeding technology, email contact@seedbiosciences.com

Features & Benefits.

Proof of Monoclonality icon

Proof of Monoclonality

Traceable proof of monoclonality

Instant reporting

Gentle Handling icon

Gentle Handling

Pressure less than 0.2 psi

As gentle as manual pipetting, yet more efficient

Fast Pipetting icon

Fast Pipetting

Pipettes into a 96 well plate in just 10 minutes

High Cloning Efficiency icon

High Cloning Efficiency

Gentle pipetting preserves cell integrity and viability

Disposable tip ensures no cross-contamination

Easy to Use icon

Easy to Use

Intuitive, with simple interface

No cleaning needed

No calibration required

Compact icon


Benchtop sized

Fits under a sterile culture hood

Proof of Monoclonality.

Find out how DISPENCELL delivers instant, traceable proof of monoclonality in this application note.

Reliable single cell isolation for use across a range of applications.

A pipette dropping liquid into a pink tray

Cell Line Development

A close-up of a molecule

Monoclonal Antibody Screening

Several cells in a cell

Rare Cell Isolation

Close-up of a dna chain

CRISPR-Mediated Gene Editing

View our applications notes of DISPENCELL in action here.

With DISPENCELL’s immediate proof of monoclonality, we can run faster our process and save weeks of culture. Having an electronic file showing the single-cell dispensing per well is an important added value for our clients.

Philippe Dulieu, Director, Diaclone SAS

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