Dispen3D allows scientists to isolate large particles efficiently, reliably and cost-effectively in a plug and play approach.

The single large-particle dispenser provides a user-friendly and versatile platform that enables researchers across various disciplines to harness the power of organoids and spheroids without requiring extensive or specialized equipment.

Dispen3D offers unprecedented accuracy and efficiency in cell culture techniques, enabling researchers to conduct high-precision experiments that drive advancements in drug discovery, personalized medicine, and regenerative therapies.

This specialized and cost-effective dispensing robot provides unambiguous monoclonality and has a disposable tip to ensure no cross-contamination for comprehensive 3D cellular models handling.

Key features and benefits.

Proof of monoclonality

Verifiable evidence of monoclonality

Immediate reporting

Gentle Handling icon

Gentle handling

Pressure maintained below 0.2 psi

As gentle as manual pipetting, with enhanced efficiency

Proof of Monoclonality icon

Rapid Pipetting

Pipettes into a 96 well plate in 7 minutes

High Cloning Efficiency icon

High cloning efficiency

Gentle pipetting preserves integrity and viability of 3D-cellular models

Disposable tip ensures no cross-contamination

Easy to use

Simple, user-friendly interface

No cleaning needed

No calibration required


Designed for benchtop use

Fits under a sterile culture hood

Fast, efficient and traceable isolation of single spheroids.

Our latest application note (see link below) reveals how Dispen3D is over twice as successful at dispensing single spheroids into a 96-well plate compared to limiting dilution. The workflow demonstrates that Dispen3D is gentle enough to maintain the structural integrity of delicate spheroids, ensuring that growth, viability and function are not negatively affected.

High-precision isolation of single spheroids using Dispen3D

August 2024


Read our application notes to learn how our technology can optimize your research.